Swift Injustice edition by Duane Monkres Mystery Thriller Suspense eBooks

During the winter of 1947-48 the discovery of new oil field east of Duncan, Oklahoma, promised big things for the area, but it was a different kind of discovery that would shake the community from its small-town slumber. On a snowy January morning an elderly World War I veteran opened the trunk of his aging De Soto to find the frozen body of a local waitress stuffed grotesquely over the spare tire. Based on an actual happening, SWIFT INJUSTICE tells the tale of small-town America caught in a rush to get a killer off the streets.
Swift Injustice edition by Duane Monkres Mystery Thriller Suspense eBooks
Read it in one day -- about 8 hours. It was easy to read, flowed smoothly, and everything connected to build an exciting story. Ending surprised me. Dialog seemed real. I highly recommend this for anyone wanting a good murder investigation without unnecessary metaphors and hyperbole fluff. Great story telling. Period.Product details

Tags : Swift Injustice - Kindle edition by Duane Monkres. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Swift Injustice.,ebook,Duane Monkres,Swift Injustice,BooksellersPublishing.com,FICTION Mystery & Detective General,FICTION Mystery & Detective Historical
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Swift Injustice edition by Duane Monkres Mystery Thriller Suspense eBooks Reviews
I read the hardback version. And though at first glance you may think this is a biased review, it's not.
Great story & plot. The character development is detailed enough to get you knowing them but doesn't go overboard like so many of the "top authors" do. The story itself drew me in to where I didn't want to stop reading but also didn't want the book to end. Well worth the read.
This book is based on a true story names have been changed but it is really a good book to read.
Pretty good story about my hometown - fun to try to figure out who the characters are since the names were changed.
Great book! If you enjoy true crime novels, give this one a try!
Great storyline well written suspenseful and a surprise ending! What more could you ask for a true crime novel!
Having been born and raised in. Duncan, Oklahoma, it was very interesting to read this book. It was a well-written book and kept you guessing til the end. I recommend this book.
This is a great true crime novel novel. I am from Lawton, Okla which is just a few miles from Duncan Okla. My cousin worked the oil fields in Duncan so I was very interested in it.. Also found out it was a true story from my mother. What I didn't expect was the ending. I couldn't put it down and wanted more. You won't be sorry to buy and read this book. I hope Duane Monkres writs more books.....
Read it in one day -- about 8 hours. It was easy to read, flowed smoothly, and everything connected to build an exciting story. Ending surprised me. Dialog seemed real. I highly recommend this for anyone wanting a good murder investigation without unnecessary metaphors and hyperbole fluff. Great story telling. Period.

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